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Spiced Thieves Oil Immunity Roller

It’s hump day! Does anyone remember that obnoxious camel that is all about Wednesday? If you do, I’m sorry to make you relive that! I’m excited about this week because I’m prepping for my Mom to come visit me next week! It will be the first time she’s come down here in years and I am SO excited to have guests in my new home! So to ensure that we all stay healthy and ready to entertain our family, today I’m sharing our Thieves Oil immunity roller that we make to help support our immune system.

This one doesn’t require a lot of time or energy, but it packs a SERIOUS punch. You can roll this blend on the bottom of little one’s feet before putting socks on before school and before bedtime. (Don’t forget to do the same for you!) And if you REALLY like it, you can roll a little on your wrists for daytime sniffing. (Just be careful with this one as it does contain Orange oil. Citrus oils are photosensitive and can cause skin irritation when exposed to the sun. So if you plan to wear it on your wrist or some place that will see the sun, just skip the Orange oil in this blend. :))

Have a GREAT day!

Be brave.

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