The Day I Posted That Young Living Was Too Expensive

I found this old post I did about 8 years ago and had to giggle. Then I had to share because I think we should normalize changing our minds. 🤷🏼‍♀️ (Keep reading for a funny story about pee. 😂)

When I posted this I was using an essential oil company I thought was good. Seemed reputable. Wasn’t really sure why they said you can’t ingest the oils when it seemed like if it actually came from and was only a plant then I should, in theory, be able to consume it. 🤔

I thought YL was too expensive so I kept using my oils I bought off Amazon. But eventually I couldn’t figure out why I was blowing through 2-3 bottles when my sis-in-law was still on ONE YL bottle…and she used them regularly. 🤔

What I eventually learned was that those oils I was buying were watered down versions of the real deal. Many oils on the market have toxic fillers and chemicals added. (If it says not to put it on your skin and not to injest it, there’s your answer probably.) So I was actually dumping money down the drain because I was buying MORE oil than I actually needed. (Because it wasn’t actually pure oil.)

Old company: 10-15 drops in the diffuser just to get it to smell in my house.

YL: 2-3 drops and I can smell it for hours. 😍

Funny story: When I finally gave in and bought my YL starter bundle (almost 3 years AFTER this post 😬…and 5 years ago next month!) I dumped my normal 10-15 drops in the diffuser thinking I was an ol’ pro. And then when I went to the bathroom my pee smelled like asparagus. (I hadn’t had any asparagus. 😮) That is how I knew right away that these oils are the real deal. Pure plants/oils will detox your body of the yuck. (Hence the asparagus smell. And we were living in black mold at the time and I didn’t know! These oils have had our back since day 1. 😮😭)

I’m so so so glad I changed my mind. I’m so glad I tried them. I fell in love. I SAVE money using YL and all their products and I get so many freebies. Then because I love my oils and share them (like I was actually doing 8 years ago on this post but wasn’t being thanked by that company at all…) YL sends me thank you checks every month. AND because I eventually said yes to being a brand partner, I now have a community of fellow oilers that I get to educate, learn from, and grow with!

(And no, they don’t require a membership anymore. 😉)

Do I sell these oils now? 1000%. After 5 years of using them exclusively I can’t not tell people about them! 🎉 So many people already oil…my heart is to teach them how to oil wiser. That’s why this is my business. It’s why I educate myself so much…so I can help others! 😍 (And of course I would love to come alongside you if you’re ready to hop on this journey with me!)

And to think I almost missed all of this because I thought the oils were too expensive. 😭😭😭😭

Get started on your own journey! Use my link and you’ll be placed in my oily community so we can love on ya! 😍 (Order anything ya want but boy those starter bundles are SUCH a good deal! 🎉)

(*Because I talked about money, you can see the YL Income disclosure here.)

Hey! Have a good day! 🙂



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