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Prophetic Word: God is raising up a generation of Autistic people to fulfill a massive divine Kingdom purpose.

I released this word on my Facebook Page back in July 2019. But I wanted to make sure it was here on my website as well!

We see it more often now. Autism is on the rise. It’s being blamed on vaccines and chemicals. But most people don’t realize that Autism has actually been around since the dawn of creation! You may know it as Autism Spectrum Disorder, but I’m here to unpack this and give you another lens to view it with.

Many Autistic people (myself included) are bent towards purity. (Though not all of course.) We are naive to much of the darkness in the world. We are shocked by it. It’s unfathomable to us. It doesn’t even make sense. Of course we are capable of joining forces with it because we are human. But we are childlike in nature. Brilliant in various ways, of course. But often childlike in our thinking, our mannerisms, our thoughts. When I say childlike, I mean there are no filters. No hoops to jump through inside. We don’t understand social norms or cues because we are wired completely different. We see the world as it could be…not always as it is. Some of us have had more trauma than others, and it’s jaded us…but deep down in our core many of us believe there is good, or we strive to create good in our environments. Autism isn’t a processing error…it’s just a completely different operating system!

Many of us are exceptionally creative. Oh my goodness in so many ways! We can create without filters and can often see things others cannot and express ourselves in ways many do not know how to do.

I’m not suggesting Autistics are superior. Lord knows we all have things to work through. But what I’m saying is that I believe the world is getting distracted by the “Disorder” part of ASD and is not focusing enough on the PURPOSE of an Autistic person. The Bible says in Mark 10:15 that “Anyone that does not receive the Kingdom like a child will not enter it.” We do not have filters, so we are able to directly communicate with God in ways others may not be able to. We are more easily open to Him and His voice. And when we try to communicate it to you through song, math, computers, engineering, words, sounds, clapping, flapping arms or other movements, etc, it’s up to you to receive it with a childlike faith yourself.

I believe God is raising up a generation of people with “childlike faith” to fulfill a major Kingdom purpose on this Earth. And if we as Autistics and the rest of humanity continue to focus on the disorder, we will miss it.

Autistics are able to love deeply and feel very empathetically. (It’s often a misconception that Autistics can’t feel. We actually feel so deeply that it can overwhelm us!) We can change the world with our gifts! And of COURSE God created everyone with beauty and giftings to love humanity well, there’s just something rising up with Autism. And I don’t believe it’s as negative as the world is portraying it to be! I look at my Autistic son and cannot fathom there being anything “negative” about his design!

To my fellow Autistics, be encouraged!!! You are not a disorder. You’re not broken. You’re so totally on purpose!!!! Autism is just a name for your design. God will help you with the parts you need healed and the tools you need to walk this journey out. But don’t get distracted by the word “disorder”. Don’t count yourself out and take a seat on the bench. Embrace your beautiful design and submit yourself to the Lord and ask HIM (not the world!!) what your purpose is!!

To the rest of the world, I’m not suggesting you do not have a purpose! But I encourage you to ask the Lord how you can use your gifts and purpose to join arms with the Autistic community to work TOGETHER to bring God’s great purposes to pass! Do not discount an Autistic because they act or think or look differently than you do. Don’t cast them out because they don’t follow the “rules”. I believe God is using Autism to show us that the societal norms and constructs we have built no longer work and do not include every design. We created a box as humans and God is SMASHING that box so there’s room for every kind of person!

I’m so excited to see the tidal wave of change God will use Autistics to create! It’s already happening. I wish you could see everything I’ve seen and the stories I’ve heard! It’s so incredibly beautiful! Creation genuinely is a gorgeous kaleidoscope filled with all kinds of colors and shapes!!! 😍



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